
Leading with Trade, Investment, and People

Following the United Kingdom's (UK) departure from the European Union (EU), we're entering a period filled with fresh opportunities. The Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which has removed tariffs and quotas, paves the way for brighter collaborations between the UK and EU nations, spotlighting Slovenia. As the landscape changes, the British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce dedicates itself to strengthening the ties between the UK and Slovenia, emphasizing enhanced trade, joint economic ventures, and the development of people and culture in business. In the intricate world of trade, investment, and talent management, the BSCC stands as a beacon, offering a solid platform for collaboration, informed guidance, and deep discussions. We are proud to introduce the innovative UK Trade Council, Investors' Council, and the new People and Culture Council, and we're excited about the potential for more specialized groups in the future.

Access the Charter for Councils here.