Conference: Employer Branding and the Future of Workspace

When 09:00 - 13:00

We are excited to announce the upcoming Tea with Reason Conference, dedicated to sustainable urban development and innovative human resources practices.

Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024
Venue: Hotel Slon, Ljubljana

With increasing urbanization, the imperative for greener cities is becoming more critical. Developers must focus on responsible urban development, including revitalizing brownfields, to prioritize environmental responsibility and human well-being. Sustainable practices, green technologies, community-centric designs, and innovative financing will lead this evolution, ensuring cities remain livable, resilient, and adaptable.

Meanwhile, human resources are aligning employee well-being with strategic employer branding. Thoughtful workspace design and HR initiatives enhance employee health and solidify a company's reputation. Ergonomic and biophilic designs reduce stress and promote wellness, while innovative layouts encourage collaboration. Flexible work structures and comprehensive HR strategies accommodate diverse working styles, benefiting both employees and the organization's culture.

Stay tuned for more details about the program and registration, coming soon!