Webinar: Key Aspects of Posting Workers to the UK

When 11:00 - 12:00
Where online

We kindly invite you to join us for a webinar on Wednesday, 25 September, at 11am as we discuss the key aspects of posting workers to the UK, carrying out employment in several countries at the same time and remote working to and from the UK, which need to be taken into account in Slovenia in the areas of income tax, social contributions and migration legislation.

With us will be Sonja Omerza, Senior Manager at A Tax International, specialised in the field of human resources and business consultancy. Together, we will look at the obligations of individuals and their employers in Slovenia and highlight:

  • the migration obligations that employers and workers have to comply with when working in the UK,
  • foreign income reporting obligations
  • the exercise of rights under the double taxation convention between the UK and Slovenia
  • the application of the rules on the coordination of social systems to posted workers, workers performing work in several countries simultaneously and remote workers.

The webinar is aimed at companies and individuals who want to learn about the legislative frameworks for different ways of working abroad in the UK and Slovenia. The webinar is free of charge and will be held in Slovenian.

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