Business Organisations United in Solidarity Aid and Cooperation for Reconstruction and Development
Today, 14 business organisations representing the entire Slovenian economy addressed a letter to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Robert Golob, and the ministerial team, in which we unitedly and unanimously underline our readiness to help in the swift and effective recovery and reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of the catastrophic floods.
In our letter, the business organisations thanked the Prime Minister and his team for their swift action, and expressed our respect for the solidarity of citizens and our gratitude to all the intervention services and the many companies that responded immediately to the call for help.
We have also proposed to the Prime Minister to meet as soon as possible, as we want to work together to make informed and long-term decisions that do not cause further unnecessary turbulence in the business environment.
We stressed that now is the time to focus on unity and cooperation among all, and that we want to work together to make informed and long-term decisions that do not lead to further unnecessary shocks in the business environment. Recovery and reconstruction will be a long process and an opportunity to work together to create a stable and progressive economic environment and to build a sustainable country and society.
The signatories of the letter are the following business organisations (in alphabetical order):
- Advantage Austria Slovenija
- AmCham Slovenija
- Britansko-slovenska gospodarska zbornica
- Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije
- Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije
- Nemško slovenska zbornica
- Obrtna zbornica Slovenije
- Sindikat kmetov Slovenije
- Trgovinska Zbornica
- Zadružna zveza Slovenije
- Združenje bank Slovenije
- Združenje delodajalcev Slovenije
- Združenje delodajalcev obrti in podjetnikov Slovenije
- Združenje Manager
The full letter is available here (Slovenian only).