
The Transition to a Net Zero Society Also Important for Engaging the National Economy and Creating New Jobs

The Presidents of 15 Economic and Agricultural Organisations and Associations Unanimously Express Their Dissatisfaction With the Draft Act on the Reconstruction, Development and Provision of Financial Resources

Newly Established Investors' Council Facilitating Collaboration with Foreign Investors

It’s Not Just About Reaching the Summit, It’s the Journey - Or What Has Business Learned From Sports?

The Business Community Opposes the Submission to the National Assembly of the Uncoordinated Proposals in the Amendment to the Labour Relations Act

The Business Community Is United and Decisive With the Prime Minister: "If We Want Prosperity for All, It’s Time to Stop Putting Additional Burdens on the Economy.’"

The UK Trade Council, New Platform For Substantial Growth of Trade Relations Between Slovenia and the UK

We Are Establishing New Councils