The Business Community Opposes the Submission to the National Assembly of the Uncoordinated Proposals in the Amendment to the Labour Relations Act
In today's letter addressed to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Robert Golob, and the relevant ministers, the representatives of the business community, united in a joint initiative of 15 economic, employers' and agricultural organisations, have clearly expressed our common disappointment and dissatisfaction with the way in which the amendment to the Labour Relations Act (ZDR-1D) was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on 19 October 2023. At a joint
meeting on 9 October 2023, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia gave a briefing to all the Presidents of economic, employers' and agricultural organisations on the continuation and content of the adoption of the amendment to this law. The draft amendment adopted by the Government contradicts this promise.
The full letter in Slovenian language is available here.
The signatories of the letter are the following business organisations (in alphabetical order):
- Advantage Austria Slovenija
- AmCham Slovenija
- Britansko-slovenska gospodarska zbornica
- Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije
- Kmetijsko gozdarska zbornica Slovenije
- Nemško slovenska zbornica
- Obrtna zbornica Slovenije
- Sindikat kmetov Slovenije
- Skupina podjetij z notranjim lastništvom
- Trgovinska Zbornica
- Zadružna zveza Slovenije
- Združenje bank Slovenije
- Združenje delodajalcev Slovenije
- Združenje delodajalcev obrti in podjetnikov Slovenije
- Združenje Manager