People and Culture Council


Annual Plan of Work

The British-Slovenian Chamber of Commerce is excited to introduce the People and Culture Council. This council focuses on promoting best practices in people management, fostering a culture of innovation, enhancing employer branding, and improving talent acquisition and retention, including the repatriation of Slovenian talents who have studied abroad. In response to current trends and challenges in the HR field, the council will address various pertinent topics, aiming to provide valuable insights and practical solutions for our members.


  1. Promote People and Culture Best Practices: Share knowledge and experiences regarding effective people management and workplace culture.
  2. Enhance Employer Branding: Encourage companies to develop and maintain strong employer brands to attract and retain top talent.
  3. Improve Talent Acquisition and Retention: Discuss strategies for recruiting and retaining talent, including repatriating Slovenian professionals from abroad.
  4. Foster Innovation in HR: Encourage innovative HR practices and the use of new technologies to improve efficiency and employee satisfaction.
  5. Advocate for Supportive HR Policies: Collaborate with government and other organizations to promote policies that support a thriving workforce.

Organisational Structure of the Council


  • Dimitrij Miklič (Erudio)
  • Matic Čad (Law Firm Čad)

Expert Facilitator

  • Mateja Panjan (Danfoss Digital Services)

Council Members

  • Sonja Omerza (A Tax International)
  • Žan Dapčevič (Academia)
  • Marko Mlakar (Amrop Adria)
  • Simona Špilak (BOC Institute)
  • Ivana Nedižavec Korada (Center of Excellence in Finance)
  • Mateja Čotar (CHR Partners)
  • Amela Žrt (CMS Slovenia)
  • Tina Novak Kač (Competo)
  • Jana Bezek (Corwin)
  • Katarina Resnik (Danfoss)
  • Alja Berk (Društvo VTIS)
  • Eva Esih (Društvo VTIS)
  • Tina Galijaševič (Elan)
  • Bojana Florjančič (Hansen Beck)
  • Vesna Vodopivec (NLB)
  • JaniZupan (Profil)
  • Renata Pevec (Remedis)
  • Peter Baloh (Thriverse)
  • Mateja Pohlin (Tobačna Ljubljana)
  • Petra Urh (Triglav Skladi)
  • Merita Bajraktari (Triglav Skladi)
  • Maja Milinović (Trimo)

Key Topics for 2024/2025

  1. Employer Branding in a Competitive Market
  • Strategies for developing a compelling employer brand.
  • Case studies of successful employer branding initiatives.
  • Measuring the impact of employer branding on recruitment and retention.
  1. Talent Acquisition in the Digital Age
  • Leveraging social media and digital platforms for recruitment.
  • The role of AI and machine learning in talent acquisition.
  • Best practices for virtual onboarding and remote work integration.
  1. Repatriation of Slovenian Talent
  • Identifying barriers and incentives for repatriating talent.
  • Success stories of repatriated professionals and their impact on businesses.
  • Collaboration with universities, alumni networks abroad, and the association VTIS.
  1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Implementing effective DEI policies and practices.
  • Measuring the success of DEI initiatives.
  • The business case for diversity and inclusion.
  1. Employee Well-being and Mental Health
  • Addressing mental health in the workplace.
  • Creating a culture of well-being and support.
  • The role of leadership in promoting employee well-being.
  1. Future of Work: Trends and Predictions
  • The impact of automation and AI on the workforce.
  • Flexible work arrangements and the gig economy.
  • Preparing for the future workforce: skills and training.
  1. HR Technology and Innovation
  • Emerging HR technologies and their applications.
  • Integrating HR tech into existing processes.
  • Data analytics in HR: trends and benefits.
  1. Leadership Development and Succession Planning
  • Building a pipeline of future leaders.
  • Leadership development programs and their effectiveness.
  • Strategies for effective succession planning.
  1. Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies
  • Measuring and improving employee engagement.
  • Innovative retention strategies.
  • The role of feedback and communication in employee satisfaction.
  1. Regulatory Changes and Compliance
  • Keeping up with changes in labor laws and regulations.
  • Ensuring compliance in a dynamic legal environment.
  • Best practices for HR compliance and risk management.

This plan aims to create a collaborative space for HR professionals to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and develop innovative solutions to improve people and culture in their organizations. The council will hold three to five meetings annually, with additional meetings as needed. Each meeting will focus on a primary topic and include an open forum for other relevant concerns. The council's activities and insights will be documented and shared with BSCC members for transparency and accountability.

Access the Charter for Councils here.

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